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The Hidden Dangers: The Health Risks of Asbestos Exposure in Commercial Properties

Prior to the mid-1980s, asbestos was widely used in the majority of commercial buildings in Australia. It can be found in roofs, plant rooms, tiled areas, electrical switchboards and numerous other areas. This sturdy material gained huge popularity and there were plenty of reasons – low cost, availability, its ability to withstand high temperatures, etc.

However, the Australian government banned the use of asbestos in 2003 because of the potential health risks associated with prolonged asbestos exposure. 

If you are the owner of a commercial building, you should be aware of these serious health risks and appoint licensed professionals who specialise in safe commercial asbestos removal.

Why Is Asbestos Harmful?

Asbestos fibres are tiny and have sharp edges. By any chance, if the fibres become broken or damaged, they can be inhaled or ingested directly. And, when these tiny particles enter a person’s body, they have a common tendency to settle in the lungs, heart and stomach regions which can lead to lung diseases, breathing issues, cancer, etc. life-threatening health conditions. Does not sound good, right?

Take a Look at the Health Risks of Asbestos Exposure

Lung Disease and Breathing Problems

Did you hear about asbestosis? This is a chronic lung disease that can be caused because of asbestos exposure for a very long period. When asbestos fibres are inhaled into the lungs, do you know what happens? They can cause permanent lung damage through scarring. It leads to conditions like persistent cough, shortness of breath and chest pressure, etc. 

Cancer Risks

Unfortunately, asbestos exposure is also linked with a number of cancers, mostly lung cancer and mesothelioma. Now what is mesothelioma? Well, this is a high-frequency and aggressive lung cancer that is seen in the lining which covers the lungs and the abdominal cavity.

Apart from lung-related cancers, asbestos exposure can also lead to other types of cancer such as cancers of the larynx (throat) and ovaries.

And, there’s more! Asbestos can irritate the skin and eyes and because of this, one can experience rashes or redness. Although these issues may appear to be trivial, repeated exposure can often lead to more serious conditions over time.

Risks for Construction Workers and Building Occupants

And, no doubt, construction workers face the biggest risk from asbestos, especially during renovations or demolitions. When they disturb old materials containing asbestos, invisible fibers can float into the air which increases the risk of inhalation of these particles by the workers. 

But it is not only the workers who are in danger. Occupants of the buildings are also not safe! They may also suffer if the asbestos in the building materials breaks down and releases fibres. What’s worse, these dangerous particles can spread through air conditioning and heating systems without anyone noticing. Terrifying!

Protecting Yourself from Asbestos Exposure

If you want to safeguard yourself and others in the commercial building, it’s essential to take asbestos exposure seriously. Simple steps like regular inspections, proper ventilation and working with licensed professionals for asbestos removal can make a huge difference. So, take these necessary steps today!

asbestos removal

Bottom Line

At Sydney Roofing Contractors, we are fully licensed and trained to safely manage asbestos! Our team ensures your building is secure and free of asbestos.

If you think there might be asbestos in your commercial property, reach out to us for a FREE quote. 

Our team has over 50 years of experience. Give us a call for a safe commercial asbestos removal in Sydney!

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